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9 products

Kategorie Banner Slider
Ermöglichen Sie Ihren Kunden eine interaktive Navigation durch Ihre Produktkategorien mit einem durchblätterbaren Slider, der Ihre Kategorien stilvoll darstellt.
Sale price67,00 €
Header Aktionen Countdown
Zeigen Sie zeitlich begrenzte Angebote prominent im Header an, um die Dringlichkeit zu erhöhen und Ihre Kunden zu schnellen Kaufentscheidungen zu motivieren.
Sale price67,00 €
Kategorie Banner mit Text
Präsentieren Sie Ihre Produktkategorien mit ansprechenden Bildern und informativen Texten, um die Navigation zu verbessern und das Einkaufserlebnis zu optimieren.
Sale price87,00 €
Instagram Navigation & FilterInstagram Navigation & Filter
Allow your customers to navigate seamlessly between different product categories, with Instagram Stories design enhancing user experience and familiarity in the shopping experience.
Sale price87,00 €
Customizable contact formCustomizable contact form
With customizable, additional fields, more is possible here than with conventional contact forms.
Sale price87,00 €
Sticky Product SearchSticky Product Search
Help your customers find the right products faster with the on-screen product search. Search results are displayed as soon as they start typing.
Sale price87,00 €
Brand SliderBrand Slider
To show the variety of brands offered in the online shop. This allows customers to quickly find the desired brand and strengthens their trust in the shop's product selection.
Sale price87,00 €
Influencers / Community Trust
Show who has already bought products from you, which strengthens trust in your brand, increases credibility and positively influences purchasing decisions.
Sale price87,00 €
Announcement bar
Important information or USPs at a glance, saving space. The announcement bar is a must-have for every online shop.
Sale price67,00 €

Optimize the usability of your category page with Shopify Sections

The category page is a central part of your online store where customers can make product selections based on their individual needs and preferences. With Shopify Sections, you can customize the category page and highlight important elements to improve the user experience and increase the conversion rate. In this article, you will learn which sections should not be missing from your category page and why they are so important, especially in terms of filtering options and the integration of Instagram navigation.

Why is the category page so important?

The category page serves as a central point of contact for customers to search for products in a specific category or according to specific criteria. It provides a clear presentation of the available products and plays a crucial role in orientation and selection of the right product.

Importance of filters

  • Meaning : Filters allow customers to refine product selection based on various criteria such as price, brand, color or size.
  • Why is it important? : Targeted filtering options allow customers to quickly and easily find the product that is relevant to them, improving the user experience and increasing the conversion rate.

Instagram Navigation

  • Meaning : Integrating Instagram navigation on the category page shows customers current posts and product images directly from your Instagram profile.
  • Why is it important? : Instagram is an important platform for visual marketing and product presentation. By incorporating Instagram content, you can strengthen brand presence, increase engagement, and inspire potential customers.

Important sections for your category page

  • Clear product list : Show a clear and structured list of products in each category to give customers a quick overview.

  • Filter options : Integrate various filter options to make it easier for customers to search and select products and improve the user experience.

  • Instagram Navigation : Add Instagram navigation to show customers recent posts and product images directly from your Instagram profile and increase brand awareness.

  • Clear call-to-action elements : Place clear and engaging call-to-action elements to motivate customers to interact and purchase.